For our Q&A series, we ask stylish people we admire quick questions about their reading tastes. Ryan Lopes is a creative director with a focus on content creation, styling, and consulting. She shares her recent reads and what’s she’s looking forward to reading next.
Truly between Central Falls, and Providence, Rhode Island.
In your bag
Lip balm. Extra cash. Headphones. A book. My keys.
An early memory of reading
First grade, in charter school. We had a reading library, and my classmate, Karina, was THE reader. She really got us all on our A-game.
Note-taking style
I’m a bulletin type. I enjoy assuring myself of the things I need to remember.
A favorite word
Where you frequent
My space. I’m constantly returning home and tidying. And then I continually find myself in NYC.
Last book you recommended. To whom?
My Body Keeps the Score, a favorite. My sister.
Next on your reading list
Killing Rage by bell hooks.